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Film & Media Production Student Spotlight Article -- Chelsie Steinmetz

Chelsie Steinmetz is a third year Film and Media Production major and emerging media minor here at Capital who has a large presence across campus for her involvement in various facets. We had the chance to talk more with her about her experiences in and outside of the classroom and here’s what she had to say!

What is your favorite project that you are working on right now?

Right now, my favorite project that we are working on is in our immersion course where we filmed with the History Department and worked with them to create a documentary for the Ohio History Connection.

What is your favorite course that you have taken so far?

So far, my favorite course that I have taken was Advanced Video Production where we created videos for the HR Department for new hires of Capital University.

How has the Film and Media Department helped you grow?

The Film & Media Department here at Capital has helped me by allowing me to grow connections and work with various agencies around Columbus.

How has Capital prepared you for your post-graduate career?

Capital has helped prepare me for my post-graduate career by allowing me to work with outside agencies and grow my connections throughout Columbus and met real-life deadlines and see what it’s like to work in the actual industry.

In addition to her high involvement through the FMP department, she is also the Vice President of Programming of her sorority, Alpha Sigma Alpha. The University is grateful for Chelsie’s contributions in helping the program shine and we cannot wait to see where she goes after her time at Capital.

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