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Community Engagement Student Spotlight Article -- Dominick Glenn

Capital University is a wonderful place to start your community engagement involvement. Capital has a wide range of community engagement activities that students can participate in. Today, we had the pleasure of interviewing a fellow Capital student who exemplifies this area, Dominick Glenn.

What is your name, role, and how did you get involved in community engagement? 

When asked this question, Dominick replied that his involvement has stemmed from a social probability class. However, they had some partners come in and the students got to pick which one they liked the most. For which Dominick said he picked the Alvis House. 

Was there a project that was especially impactful for you? 

For Dominick, he really enjoyed sitting in on the Alvis House case management meetings. He felt this was especially impactful for him because he got to learn some of the curriculum they are taught.  

What made you want to join? 

A main factor for Dominick is that he is a Sociology and Criminology major, so he found it especially important to get out into the real world and get some experience. From the experiences he has had so far, he believes that it will help him decide where his efforts will be best used.  

Favorite aspect of the program? 

When Dominick first joined their community engagement partnership, he thought it would be like some typical work he has done in the past; he was pleasantly surprised and found the experience to be “very interesting.” He found it interesting to learn about other people's stories and learn about what they have been through. He also mentioned the criminology side was very enticing to learn about; but overall, he loved his experience.  

What challenges have you faced? 

Dominick feels as though his experience so far hasn’t been too daunting. He mentioned an area that can be challenging is communication between the teacher and the community engagement partner. However, once that was figured out Dominick said it was quite easy for them to set up times for meetings.  

What continues to motivate you? 

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From this question, Dominick knew where his goals and aspirations lie. He replied, “living life to the fullest and enjoying everything” is the best way to stay motivated. He also mentioned he is a track athlete at Capital, but he tends to remember “student first athlete second.” Dominick concluded by saying he tries to be the best man he can be and is currently trying to focus on getting out into the real world.  

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