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Music Technology Student Spotlight Article- Paul Kramer

Audio fundamentals, music and media production, live sound, studio production, and music entrepreneurship are all things students majoring in Music Technology will get to learn here at Capital University. From the studios to countless hands-on opportunities students will indulge in an abundance of professional experiences.

Tell us your name, major, and how you became interested in Music Tech.

“My name is Paul Kramer, I am a bachelor of Arts Music Tech major here at Capital University and what got me interested originally was my younger brother who came here before me and after visiting him a lot and looking at all the programs, Music Tech really stood out to me”.

What are some things that Music Tech has taught you that you didn’t know before?

“I’ve learned a lot, honestly, I’ve learned that there are so many aspects to music that I didn’t think about beforehand. A lot of this is teamwork, you know sometimes you see in movies and TV shows just like one guy behind the console but there’s so much more that goes into it. There’s almost never just one guy. There’s so many people doing so many things behind the scenes and it’s really a teamwork game”.

How has Music Tech helped you in the professional world?

“This upcoming Saturday I have my first gig running sound for a live band. I’ve made those connections through some of my peers here at Capital as well as a couple other jobs I’ve gotten through help of professors or other peers to start getting my foot in the Music Tech world”.

What is one challenge you faced in music tech and how did you overcome it?

“My biggest challenge coming into this program is knowing nothing about Music Tech. I came off of two years of community college going for business and then a gap year. I’ve been in the music world since middle school and maybe even a little before but as far as tech-wise I knew nothing so coming in with a bunch of other people who have messed around with tech all through high school and were coming in to do this professionally, it was a lot of work for me to make those steps forward so that I could get on their level and then continue to learn with them”.

Describe your proudest achievement in Music Tech.

“At our Music Tech showcase, I came fourth out of sixteen people in the cable wrapping contest against a couple professionals and also being my first year I learned how to wrap a cable not even a year ago”.

What is something you think students not in Music Tech might be surprised to learn about the program?

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“Probably the fact that there are so many things that go into Music Tech. Another thing is that Music Tech can be used in so many different ways. I’ve talked to a lot of people who think that I’m just going to be a producer and that’s all I can do but there’s so much more you can be. A studio assistant, a live sound engineer, you can do anything with lights, the pyrotechnics, and smoke shows”.

What advice would you give to a prospective student who has an interest in this field?

“Come to Capital! We have fantastic programs. Also, keep your mind open. A lot of people think you can only do one thing with this degree but there are so many things you can do, so many opportunities that can come and be placed at your feet. I came in not really knowing what I wanted to do and now I have a pretty solid idea just because of all of the opportunities that have been brought to me and the ones I’ve chased after too!”

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