Get to know Adrian Suppes, the Editor-in-Chief of The Chimes, Capital University's award-winning student-run newspaper, as we sit down with him to talk about his experience within the organization.
Adrian's interest in journalism began while he was in high school. Within his high school news organization, he was a four-year member, two of which he spent as the Editor-in-Chief. There, he gained the love for journalism he has carried into his collegiate career.
After spending his sophomore year at Capital as a layout editor and reporter, he took on a larger role as Editor-in-Chief of The Chimes this year.
As a journalist, Adrian enjoys the ability to tell peoples' stories. He said, "I get to shed light on situations that most people aren't aware of. I get to dig into stories, I get to investigate, I get to take pictures, I get to talk to a lot of people." Adrian's favorite part of being a reporter is interviewing people.
One of Adrian's proudest stories is an investigation he did into the university's financial situation. This required a seven week investigation looking through tax documents, researching the financial statuses at other universities, and interviewing multiple members of Capital's administration. Through this hard work, Adrian created a comprehensive, well-reported story that allowed university students and faculty to understand Capital's financial position. This story won Adrian second place in in-depth reporting at the Ohio News Media Association's Columbus convention on April 4.
As Editor-in-Chief, Adrian has had to learn to be an effective leader. For him, this meant balancing the maintaining of a high-functioning, successful news organization and an enjoyable environment for reporters to thrive in.
Adrian is motivated within journalism because it's an ever-changing world. He said, "There's always going to be a new story to tell. There's always going to be a new investigation. There's always going to be a new picture to take. There's always going to be something. Because of how current and present news is, it's just so enjoyable because it's never the same thing everyday."